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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Christmas Jumper Fundraising Success

Thank you to everyone who donated to our Christmas jumper fundraiser for Porchlight!

The school held a Christmas jumper day on Wednesday 9 December and asked for donations to be sent in for local charity Porchlight who provide shelter and support for people in and around our local area.

The school had a lovely festive vibe with an amazing variety of jumpers on show and the children enjoyed their Christmas lunch being served to them in their classrooms to keep our covid bubbles secure!

We are proud to be able to send over a fantastic £385.41 to Porchlight who are very grateful for all our support, so thank you to everyone who donated.


For more information on Porchlight and the work they do or for anyone who wishes to donate in the future you can access their website below:




Inspire AMUnicef Rights Respecting Schoolswoodland trust awardChildlineCEOP