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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Red Nose Day Donations

Friday 19th March 2021

We are pleased to announce that we will be supporting the Comic Relief charity by wearing non-school uniform on Friday 19th March, Red Nose Day. During our first virtual Inspire Federation school council meeting, the Rights Respecting Ambassadors decided on this theme and are also busy organising a special, fun assembly that will be shown in each class on the day.

They thought that wearing own clothes, with as much or as little red as the children would like, would be a safer option in the current pandemic than allowing pupils to bring in red noses. To also reduce this risk, rather than have cash coming into school the office team have kindly set up a donation page via ParentPay which you can access using the link below:

The school council suggest an amount of £1 per child but you will be able to transfer an amount of your choice and every penny will count towards supporting projects tackling important issues such as homelessness, child poverty and mental health stigma, all of which have been impacted by Covid-19.

Inspire AMUnicef Rights Respecting Schoolswoodland trust awardChildlineCEOP