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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Term 1

Term 1

Throughout term 1, we focussed on the value of:



Week 1 - what does aspiration mean?

In week 1, we explore what aspiration means to us and how children have the right to fulfil their potential (article 6 - UN Convention of children's rights). We will study the bible story of David and Goliath, reflecting upon what it was that gave him the self belief to achieve something great. We will reflect upon what helps us to have belief in ourselves. 

 Week 2 - Together we grow and flourish

In week 2, we revisit the parable of the mustard seed and consider what it means to grow and flourish. Children and adults will consider what they want to achieve this term and what/who helps them to flourish. They will consider, as part of a community, how they can help others to flourish.

Week 3 - Gratitude for harvest

In week 3, as we begin to prepare for harvest, we will consider the importance of nutritious food (the right to nutritious food and clean water: article 24). We will reflect upon our aspirations for good health and consider the importance of sharing food whilst studying the parable of the rich fool.

Week 4 - Learning together from Jesus the Teacher

In week 4, we will consider what made Jesus a good teacher and reflect upon what Jesus meant by "listen then, if you have ears to hear." 

We will consider how we can grow and flourish through ensuring we are ready for learning. We will reflect upon what makes us ready for learning, and what we might need to change in order to help us to fulfil our potential. 

Jesus said that we are known by our actions. Our leading lights will be leading worship and asking all to consider what actions they want to be known by.

Week 5 - Rebuilding together

In week 5, we will be looking at the story of Nehemiah. We will be considering the importance of working together as a community in order to flourish.

Week 6 - Developing Resilience

In week 6, we will consider how we each resonate with the parable of the mustard seed; whether we see ourselves more as a seed with potential for growth; reflecting upon how we have grown and how we can continue to grow or whether we see ourselves as a bird, being welcomed into a tree as part of a community and the impact this has had on us.

Through difficult times, we can go back to the story of the mustard seed, and remember that we can lean upon one another and how we can have faith that difficult times will pass. Our aspirations for growth in resilience will help us through life.







Week 7 - Kindness Together 

In week 7, we will reflect upon the importance of kindness from others and how this enables us to flourish. We will study the parable of the Good Samaritan and understand that suffering and misfortune is part of a normal human experience but kindness from others can help us through difficult times. We will consider how having aspirations to show kindness, even when this feels difficult to do, will enable us and others to flourish, just like caring for a mustard seed will enable it to thrive.


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