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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Thursday 21st January




Daily zoom session

A chance to see your friends, run through the plan for the day and get ready to learn!

10 minutes

Sensory Circuit

5 minutes


Get Active!

Try the Just dance sequence below for Ghostbusters!


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15 minutes


Complete the RWI or guided reading session that you have been allocated. Please contact me if you are unsure or would like to discuss reading.

15 minutes

Mini Maths – TT Rockstars


15 minutes

Little Literacy – similes

Please watch the video to remind yourselves about similes as we will be using them in our writing for our book.


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30 – 45 minutes

Literacy – Our own Nurture book! – characters

TASK: To add similes to our descriptive sentences about Jolly Johnson.

LO: To be able to use an imagery device effectively.

SC1: I know what a simile is

SC2: I can come up with similes that go well with what I have described.

Today we are going to come up with similes for the sentences we came up with yesterday and then choose the best ones. I will guide you through this step by step in my video. Please see below.


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30 minutes


TASK: To use the bus stop method practically to do division.

LO: To be able to use manipulatives alongside the bus stop method to divide
SC1: I can understand what divide means
SC2: I can partition a number and represent it with manipulatives
SC3: I can use the manipulatives to do grouping
into a place value grid

We are consolidating our learning from Tuesday as I know most of you were finding this difficult. I also know that it is sometimes quicker to use another method that you feel comfortable with. However, there will be times when the bus stop method will be the best to use and it is great if you are already confident using it because you have practised it with easier numbers!

Please watch my video below and attempt at least 4 questions from the sheet attached at the bottom of the page using this method.


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15 minutes


Please choose one of the wellbeing activities on the main Nurture page. The most recent video will be at the top – the kindness challenge

10 – 30 minutes

CBBC programmes

These can be watched on the tv at the stated times or at any time on BBC iPlayer.

11.05 – Art Ninja

11.35 – Operation Ouch

10 minutes +

Mini indoor challenge – Make mini sandwiches

Can you make some mini sandwiches to share with your family for a snack time?

10 minutes +

Mini outdoor challenge –  Ball games!

Can you learn a new ball game today? Ask an adult to teach you one they use to play. Or search the internet for inspiration. Perhaps we can share any fun ones on our zoom call tomorrow?

15 minutes

 Collective Worship


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