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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Tuesday 26th January




Daily zoom session

A chance to see your friends, run through the plan for the day and get ready to learn!

10 minutes +

Sensory Circuit or physical activity of your choice

15 minutes


Complete the RWI or guided reading session that you have been allocated. Please contact me if you are unsure or would like to discuss reading.

10.00 or anytime on IPlayer for 10 minutes

Celebrity Supply Teacher – Katie Piper

A unique wellbeing lesson on how to feel happy and healthy

15 minutes

Mini Maths – TT Rockstars or other times tables activities

5 minutes

Little Literacy – Alliteration

Watch the alliteration song below. Can you come up with your own to put in the song?!


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30 – 60 minutes

Literacy – Our own Nurture book! – characters

TASK: To draw and label a picture of my character that shows their personality and what they like doing. To give my character an alliterative name.

LO: To be able to describe a character’s personality

SC1: I know that someone’s character is shown by how they behave and what they do.

SC2: I can use my picture as a prompt to write sentences.

SC3: I understand and can use alliteration.

Please watch the video where I use Mrs Palmer as my character again to guide you through today’s task.


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30 – 45 minutes

Maths - Pictograms

TASK: To complete the video lesson with Mrs Smith then do a short quiz on pictograms.

LO: To interpret data in a pictogram

SC1: I know the features of a pictogram

SC2: I know how to work out what a question is asking me to do

SC3: I can use mental maths or manipulatives to work out an answer

Please watch the video below then have a go at the quiz by following this link:

Then have a go at the quiz on the following link.


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15 minutes


Please choose one of the wellbeing activities on the main Nurture page. The most recent video will be at the top – balancing game

10 – 30 minutes

CBBC programmes

These can be watched on the tv at the stated times or at any time on BBC iPlayer

9.00 BBC Bitesize – Dinosaur footprints 

11.05 – Art Ninja

11.35 – Operation Ouch

10 minutes +

Mini indoor challenge – Draw the birds you have seen before

Why don’t you draw some birds that you have seen in your garden over this winter. You could find out what type they are if you don’t already know. I have attached an identification chart to help you draw and identify birds.


10 minutes +

Mini outdoor challenge –  Make your garden inviting for birds

Can you research which foods you could put out to encourage birds into your garden? Do you need to write a shopping list or do you already have them at home? Don’t forget about providing water for the birds to drink too. I have attached info sheets at the bottom for ideas.

10 minutes

Collective Worship - Love your Neighbour


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