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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Monday 15th June

Good morning!  


Today is another Monday and the new challenge video is up and running. Make sure you take a look!  


We will allot time on Friday for completing the challenge outcome. Throughout the week, we will be participating in learning which should help us when we get to the outcome day. We are aspiring, persevering, reflective learners, so we will be doing some work in our reflective journal throughout the week. To make sure you know which lessons are linked to our weekly challenge, we will mark the lesson with a  and AYOC to show it is part of The year of change activities.  


Please send us your work from the previous learning if you haven’t done so already. Have a good day! 





Wake up Shake up – please use this time to exercise.  

There are lots of different options, here are a few you could choose from: 

Joe Wicks - 

Cosmic yoga -  

Just dance -  

You could use this time to take a walk/bike ride as your daily exercise.  



Your child should start their phonics session by watching a video which introduces a new sound. The video can be found here:  

If the link doesn't work try clicking on this link and then click on either the YouTube link or the Facebook link on the first line.  

The videos are only streamed at certain times of the day and are set depending. The times are:  

  • Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30am  

  • Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00am  

  • Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30am  

(It may be better to do mental maths and problem solving first and come back to phonics, if your video is at a later time) 

In terms of the reading section of the phonics lesson, Oxford Owl are making all the phonics books available online as ebooks. Here is the link  

Once you’ve clicked on the link then click on ebooks and then you need to register but it is completely free. Once registered you can then open all the ebooks and choose the correct banded level for your child.  

This means you do not need to look at the RWI books on the school website and we will not be adding any further books there.   

Guided reading:  

If your child is not in a phonics group and instead does guided reading, please find newly uploaded texts on the Year 2 page for this week.  


Mental maths – Number recognition and counting  

You can do these orally if you want to. 

Challenge: If you would like a challenge, do the numbers 5 and 6 from the forward list and 5 and 6 from the backwards list then try the ones below. 


Challenge: Complete the sequences. Helpful hint: they are counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. 



10:15 – 10:30 



This week’s spellings are numbers: 













Remember to write your spellings out big, small, wiggly and with your eyes shut! 

10:30 – 11:00 




Science/Understanding the world - Weather   

LO: to describe different weathers. 

What is weather today?  

What are the different types of weather that we see in the UK? 

Here is a nice video singing about the basic weather we see in England 

Does the whole world have the same type of weather at the same time? 

In other countries, there are different weather types, some of them very extreme. Do you know any of the types of weather below? 

11:15 – 12:00 

Science AYOC 

First you need to watch the new challenge video!  

LO: to explain climate change 

SC1: I know what an environment is 


SC2: I know what a climate is. 


SC3: I can explain how harmful gasses make their way into the environment. 


We have had a think about weather and the different types of weather seen around the world. Climate change is where humans are making choices that are leading to the world getting hotter and in some places this can mean that extreme weather happens more often. 

Answer these questions: 

  1. What is an environment? 

  1. What is a climate?  

  1. How can a climate change?  

  1. What can we do to help reduce climate change?  

Let’s have a think … Listen to the story and answer the question … 

Challenge: What does climate change mean for us? 

Key vocabulary: environment, climate, weather, harmful gasses, greenhouse effect, atmosphere, Earth, sun.  

12:00- 1:15 



Calm time 

Use this time to relax, talk to another person in your house, read a book, draw a picture.     

1:45- 2:45 

English  AYOC 

LO: to define a speech 

SC1: I know what a speech is 


SC2: I can explain what a speech does 

SC3: I can select the purpose and subject of my speech 

What is a speech? Have a look at a few of these speeches made by kids. You don’t have to watch them all. 

What do you notice about all these speeches? Why do people make speeches? They all have a purpose, or subject. The whole speech is used to explain their purpose, which use facts or stories about their own life to back up their points. Then at the end, they summarise it and leave us with a thought or an idea. They are usually given to an audience. 

Although lockdown has been a strange time, lots of good things have come from us having to stay at home. Can you think of some of these? 

As we heard from the challenge video, air pollution (from greenhouse gasses) has reduced a lot with us staying indoors in the lockdown. We also heard we have all come together as a community and helped each other.  

It would be great to carry on with some of the good things that have come from lockdown to make the world a better place. 

You may want your speech to be about how the environment has improved during lock down, and what we should continue to do after lockdown. We will be learning more about our planet this week to help you with facts and figures for your speech.  

You may also write your speech on the benefits to your community. We will be looking at how we have come together as a community and helped support our key workers and NHS staff as well as how the community has supported vulnerable people.  

What are you going to write your speech about?  

What is the purpose of your speech? Environment or community? Have a think about what you already know your choice of topic. 

In school, this may be a class mind map. 

Challenge: Do you know any famous speeches? 

Key vocabulary: subject, purpose, research, audience 


Plant diary  

How is your plant doing? How much has it grown? Can you measure it? What does it look like?  

Please write about it and draw a picture or fill in another section of your plant diary. 



Story time 

Bringing down the moon – Jonathon Emmett 





Well done to everyone for their learning today!  


Please do not worry if weren’t able to complete everything on the timetable. We think you've all done a brilliant job!  


Take care and stay safe,  

Miss Cuss 

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