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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Tuesday 12th

Good morning everyone,  

We loved seeing the learning you did yesterday and can’t wait to see what brilliant learning you do today! 






The phonics session is made up of two parts.  

The first is the speed sound session. Please select the video appropriate to your child’s level (this was emailed to you): 


Set 1: (d) 

Set 2: (oo) 

Set 3: (o-e) 

The second is the reading. You will need to log into the Oxford Owl website and find the correct coloured book for your child. Your child should read the book 3 times before moving on, so that they become increasingly confident.  

Oxford owl:   


If you are in guided reading, please read the next chapter of George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl and answer the questions in full sentences.  We look forward to reading your answers. 




LO: to know the value of different coins. 

SC1: I can recognise the value of different coins. 

SC2: I can choose the right coins 

SC3: I can use addition with coins 

Yesterday, Miss Theobald showed you the different values of coins. Can you remember these? Watch the video first then have a go Once you’ve had a go, go back to watch the rest of the video.  

Can you match the correct coin to how much it is worth?  





Now have a go at adding using our coins. If you would like something harder, have a look at the one below. 


Key words: money, coins, pence. 


Break time/snack time  



LO: to understand the purpose of non-fiction.  

SC1: I can recall what non-fiction means.  

SC2: I can recall the reasons non-fiction is used.  

SC3: I can write in the style of non-fiction.   


Yesterday we had a look at non-fiction writing.  

What is non-fiction writing? Tell a grown up.  

Here is the video to remind you about what non-fiction is:   


We had a think about why non-fiction writing is used.  


Have a look back at your reflection: 

  • Why do we use non-fiction writing? 

  • How many different places can you remember where non-fiction is used? 


Today we are going to learn a model text about Scotland.  It is important that you know the model text well, as you will use it for your writing at the end of the week.  


Model text video:  



Now we have learnt that model text story map you need to draw it and then write it out. 

Use the model text format (attached below) to help to remind you of what will come next.  


To make this easier: write the first 3 sentences of the model text.  


Challenge: can you add your own fact onto the end of the model text? 



  • How did you work towards your leaflet today? 

  • What do you think you could've done even better? 


Key words: non-fiction, fact.  





Watch today’s well-being session with Mrs Smith:   



Watch today’s assembly:    




LO: to know about the countries in the UK. 

SC1: I can find Wales on a map of the UK. 

SC2: I can name the capital of Wales.  

SC3: I can list Wales’s key features. 


Have a look at the United Kingdom on Google Earth,2.1940693,-118.25904891a,2943898.84434342d,35y,0.00000512h,0t,0r/data=CmwaQhI8CiQweDI1YTNiMTE0MmM3OTFhOToweGM0ZjhhMDQzMzI4ODI1N2EZLJyk-WOwS0AhFoOHad98C8AqAlVLGAIgASImCiQJwHxWgzKlSUARYjsgn9ykSUAZoPt5JOcczD8hwDvKreSayz8  

Can you find Wales?  


Wales is the country to the left of England.  


This is the flag of Wales – it is called the Cymru or Y Ddraig Goch, meaning 'the red dragon'. 

Watch this video about Wales:  


Wales is made up of lots of different places.  

Villages, towns and cities.  

Watch the video about the different parts of Wales.  

Which place would you like to visit most?  


Watch this video about Cardiff Castle  


Now watch this story about the welsh dragon  


Task 1: 

Add the information you have found out about Wales onto the mind map you made last Tuesday.  


Task 2:  

Then choose a landmark/building in Wales or Cardiff that you have seen (either in real life or the videos). Draw it near your mind map and write a sentence about it. 


Task 3:  

Choose another area in Wales – use Google Earth to help you. Find out 3 key facts about that place and add them to your mind map.  


Key words: Wales, Cardiff, Town, City, Village, capital city, castle, hill, cathedral. 


Problem solving and reasoning  


LO: to use measurement to solve problems. 

Inserting image...



Story time 

Listen to a story read by Miss Cuss:  


We can’t wait to see the work you produce!  

Take care,  

Miss Theobald and Miss Cuss 

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