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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Spring, Summer, Autumn & Printer!

September 2021-

During this experience, the children learnt all about the seasons! They learnt how to represent the seasons through printing, using ink and polystyrene. The children learnt skills such as how to sketch effectively, how to use a blunt pencil to make an imprint on polystyrene and then how to roll ink to make an effective print. To coincide their art pieces, we wrote acrostic poems using similes, onomatopoeia and alliteration.  The children were exploring how they could use these language devices to make their poems engaging. Their art and poems have been displayed in our 'Inspire Federation art gallery.'


Please see some examples of their poems and art pieces below!

A winter tree by Bleubelle.

A poem about Spring by Lizzie.

A Spring tree by Lizzie.

A poem about Spring by Isla.

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