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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

All about us!

This is our current learning experience! The children are learning about fact files and they ill be creating a year book full of fact files about themselves. The children are learning how to ask questions, in order to ask family and friends about things they enjoyed doing when they were younger!

They are also learning the features of a fact file such as the title, subheadings, pictures and the pronoun 'I'. The children will also be learning about how to take effective photos and how to smile for photos. 

Please see below some of the learning we have done so far!

The children learnt the question words and practised writing question marks in sand, in water, with paintbrushes, with chalk and felt tip pens.

They went outside and learnt what verbs are and how the suffix 'ing' can be placed on to root words. The children then wrote their own examples of words that have the suffix 'ing'.



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