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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Farm learning

This year, the children are learning about the chickens!

Exciting news

The children have 3 chicks joining them in the classroom! We have set up the enclosure by laying down some newspaper and some saw dust. The children then placed the heating device and the food, water and grit for the chicks to have!


We will take it in turns to look after the chicks and provide them with the things they need for a healthy lifestyle! At 8 weeks old, the chicks will be joining our farm!

Please see some photos below!

Hammza and Henry placing the newspaper down.

Jesse putting down the sawdust. 

Getting the food, water and grit ready.

Our final enclosure!

Our learning:

They are learning about the lifecycle of a chicken, what a chicken needs to survive,  a chicken's predators and chicken entertainment. The children are also learning about every day materials because for their outcome they are going to be designing and making an obstacle course for our chickens using every day materials!



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