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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Friday 15th

Good morning everyone,  

We loved seeing the learning you did yesterday and can’t wait to see what brilliant learning you do today! 







The phonics session is made up of two parts.  

The first is the speed sound session. Please select the video appropriate to your child’s level (this was emailed to you): 

Set 1: t 

Set 2: air 

Set 3: are 


The second is the reading. You will need to log into the Oxford Owl website and find the correct coloured book for your child. Your child should read the book 3 times before moving on, so that they become increasingly confident.  


If you are in guided reading, please read the next chapter of George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl and answer the questions in full sentences.  We look forward to reading your answers.  


Mental maths  

Inserting image...

  1. 8p 



  1. 12p 



  1. 27p 



  1. 45p 






LO: to use money in a context 

SC1: I can identify different coins 

SC2: I can add different coins 

SC3: I can give the correct change 


Today you are going to create a tuck shop!  

You are going to be the shop keeper and sell different items to your families!  


Watch this video:


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You will need: 

  • Some items to sell - such as food, drink, stationary etc 

  • Price labels - example ones attached as PDF 

  • A price list of how much things cost – example attached as PDF 

  • Money - for both the person buying and for you to give change 

  • A table - to stand in front of and look like a shop keeper!  

  • Challenge – do a receipt for each purchase an example is attached as a PDF 


Please take some pictures and send them to your teacher to see! 



Break time/snack time  


Class wellbeing zoom session and quiz 

This week we will be focusing on catching up and laying out the expectations of our daily calls. 


See the link emailed to you for use on Friday’s. 




LO: to publish a leaflet.  

SC1: I can describe what my leaflet is about.  

SC2: I can give  my leaflet a relevant title.  

SC3: I can design a front cover.  


Today we are going design the front cover for our leaflet.  


Watch this video tutorial:   


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You will need: 

  • Your leaflet.  

  • Colouring pencils.  


After you have done your leaflet watch this. 



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Key words: leaflet, cover, design.  




Effective communication lesson 1 

Becoming a confident speaker- eye contact and standing up straight. 


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Outdoor learning 

Mrs Wells explains your outdoor activity for this afternoon:  



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Story time 

Listen to a story read by Miss Theobald: 


We can’t wait to see the work you produce!  

Take care,  

Miss Theobald and Miss Cuss 

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