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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

I'm a poet and I didn't know it

In this English and Art experience, the children will take inspiration from Knole Park to write nature poetry and draw landscapes. These will be put into a video which will be accessible in Knole Park Cafe via a QR code for visitors to enjoy. 

First, we went on an amazing hook trip to Knole Park, so we could immersive ourselves in what it was like! 

Next, we looked at some different poems. We thought about what a poem is and how the poems made us feel. 

We learnt about different poetry techniques, such as rhyme. We used rhyme to write about our experiences at Knole Park. 

We used everything we have learnt to write poems and draw landscapes. 


Inspire AMUnicef Rights Respecting Schoolswoodland trust awardChildlineCEOP