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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Keeping active at home

1. Our colleagues from Greenacre School Sport Partnership in Medway have kindly shared their online resource (for free) to help young people stay active at home. There is a really good booklet for children where it suggests different fun activities.

This can be accessed by visiting:

You will need a password, please email me if it hasn't arrived.

2. Sport England have also provided guidance to keep people active while at home.

Tips to stay active:

3. Kent Sport also have resources/links to help people stay/become active.

Everyday Active: 

They say: "We hope these links will help you and your students to stay as healthy as possible during these challenging times, particularly when being active is as important as ever.​"

4. BBC SuperMovers have some great videos that will help your learning, whilst staying active. 

BBC SuperMovers 

5. Cosmic Yoga videos are on YouTube. They are aimed at children and are interactive and fun. 

Cosmic yoga:

6. If you or your adults find some good ways to stay active, please share them with me via email, and I will pass them on to your classmates. Have fun!

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