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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Monday 18th May

Daily Timetable:

9.00   Physical Activity - Please choose one of the following:

Jo Wicks 

Jumpstart Johnny -


9.25-9.30- Handwriting - (Please click on the link for the support video.)

Please practise writing  the letter "v" today.


9.30 -10.00 Phonics- 

Please join in with Ruth Miskin's speed sound lesson at the allocated time (Link sent via Tapestry). 

Oxford Owl have now made available all the ebooks linked to each RWI level.  To access the ebooks please visit the Oxford Owl website and register an account which is free. Once Registered select one to two correct banded level  ebooks for your child each week .


10.00  - 10.30: Break/Playtime


10.30 - 11.00: Experience learning- 2020-Year of Change

Please watch Mrs Mitchell's and Miss Fermor's challenge video clip for this week.



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Now watch Mrs Smith's video clip to find out what we would like you to do today.


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For more information see Tapestry.

11.00 - 12.00 - Inspired Play 

Suggested activity - make your own hand washing video. Watch Miss Coleman's video clip for more information.


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13.00 - 13.30 - Maths Activity - Addition

This week we are learning about addition and subtraction word problems. Please see below for todays video clip.


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For more details please see Tapestry.

13.30 - 15.00 - Inspired Play


15.00 - 15.15 -Story time 


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