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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

North, South, East and West, which direction is the best?

January experience:

During this experience, the children were learning about mapping. They were learning about the types of maps, compass directions and directional language. Alongside this, the children were learning about instructional writing, imperative verbs and time adverbs. For their outcome, the children have written a set of instructions in order to go on our school website to help visitors get to Seal Primary! They have included time adverbs, numerical order and imperative verbs in order to achieve their wonderful outcomes.

We firstly learnt about imperative verbs, to include them within our instructions.

We then learnt about the different types of maps and the purpose of these maps. 


We learnt what directional language is in order to include it within our outcome.


We labelled the features around Seal Primary. 

We also learnt what time order adverbs were.


The children finally learnt what compass directions are. The children used compasses to navigate around the school!



Please see the photos below to show the outcomes that the children have created, tieing together all the knowledge and skills that they have learnt.

 These will be typed up on to our website to help people navigate their way to Seal Primary!

Instructions to get to Seal written by Haamza.

Instructions to get to Seal written by Bleubelle.

Instructions to get to Seal written by Isla.

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