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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Strategies to support concentration and focus

Strategies to support concentration and focus


Set up a good routine and get resources ready first. A cushion on a chair is a good way to help sitting still and a fiddle toy like blu-tack can also help. Say your child’s name use eye contact before giving instructions.


Check in with the Zones of Regulation – choose two of each colour activities from the menu in order: blue, green then yellow to get ready for learning!


A visual timetable will help structure the day. Encourage your child to choose the order of the tasks and activities to help them feel in control and motivated.


Use the ‘Now and Next’ board to put the first task on ‘Now’ and you might want to agree how much time or how many questions to do. This needs to be clear. A timer is useful here.


You might want to break up the task into smaller chunks using the ‘My Task Board’. After each section a small learning/movement break for 5 minutes might be needed. (Drink, snack, run around)



 ‘Next’, is a reward activity for completing the ‘Now’ work and can be Lego, colouring, movement etc.


Repeat the ‘Now and Next’, until the activities for the day have been completed.


Build in snack/ break and lunch times into the timetable. Repeat the ‘Zones of Regulation’ after lunch.


Use a reward chart to work towards an end of the week goal or treat.


Use the zones of regulation if you child is feeling ‘blue’ or ‘yellow’ to get back to ‘green’.


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