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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Term 2 - What job do they do?

Can I create a riddle about my favourite job?

In this term's experience, we will become experts in riddles and jobs. We began our learning with the understanding of what a riddle was. We became very good at solving them, analysing the information and using our thinking skills. We especially enjoyed the ones about Autumn, as we worked very hard to learn everything about it during our previous experience. 

We also learnt what parts a riddle has and looked closely at the characteristics of questions and answers.

The second part of our experience was very interesting. We had different professionals coming into Nursery to tell us about their jobs! We created our own questions for them - we wanted to learn everything about what they do and the tools they use for it in order to create our riddles! 

We learnt about personal trainers, boxers, farmers, police people and builders, and the tools, tasks and clothes they use and do in their jobs.


 We showed our gateway Citizenship, and especially the character traits 'Care' and 'Respect' while using the tools and materials our guests brought for us to try, looking after them and taking turns nicely. 

We also used the thinking tool Plan-Do-Review to plan, create and review the effectiveness and final result for our riddles. 

And these are some examples of our outcomes!


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