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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Thursday 21st May

Daily Timetable- 

9.00   Physical Activity – Pick an exercise video to complete created by peers across the federation – To access these click on LBs and BBs , then  home learning , next  celebration of home learning, finally the exercise folder.

9.25-9.30- Handwriting - Continue with the final handwriting letter family.

9.30 -10.00 Phonics- 

Please join in with Ruth Miskin's New  speed sound lesson at the allocated time (Link sent via Tapestry). 

Set 1 Word Time 9.30 & 9.45 am

Set 2 Speed Sounds and Word Time 10.00 am

Set 3 Speed Sounds and Word Time 10.30 am

If you would like to try something different – here is a good website for consolidating the sounds the children have learnt and practising their blending.

To support your child in becoming a confident expressive reader please see the attached sheet for top tips. You might also like to watch Michael Rosen's video about being expressive when reading.

10.00  - 10.30 – Break/ Playtime

10.30 - 11.00-- Experience learning- 2020-Year of Change –

You might like to watch Mrs Marsh’s video to support completing today activity.


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11.00 - 12.00 - Inspired Play-  You might like to go on a scavenger hunt or even create your own scavenger hunt for your peers. Please see the sheet attached.

12.00-13.00 Lunch -In preparation for making a healthy meal for your family. You might like to practise your knife skills.  Please see the video below on how to use a peeler or a knife to cut.


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13.00 - 13.30 – This week we will be learning about problem solving . We will be identifying whether we should add or subtract to find the answer.

Please see Mrs Ryan's  Video for support to complete the Maths challenge.


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13.30 – 15.00 Inspired play

15.00 - 15.15 -Story time- With 

To view please click on the Federation story tab

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