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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Tuesday 12th May

Good morning!  


We will allot time on Friday for completing the challenge outcome. Throughout the week, we will be participating in learning which should help us when we get to the outcome day. We are aspiring, persevering, reflective learners, so we will be doing some work in our reflective journal throughout the week. To make sure you know which lessons are linked to our weekly challenge, we will mark the lesson with a and AYOC to show it is part of The year of change activities.  


Please send us your work from the previous learning if you haven’t done so already. Have a good day! 






Wake up Shake up – please use this time to exercise.  

There are lots of different options, here are a few you could choose from: 

You could use this time to take a walk/bike ride as your daily exercise.  



Your child should start their phonics session by watching a video which introduces a new sound. The video can be found here:  

If the link doesn't work try clicking on this link and then click on either the YouTube link or the Facebook link on the first line.  

The videos are only streamed at certain times of the day and are set depending. The times are:  

  • Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30am  

  • Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00am  

  • Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30am  

(It may be better to do mental maths and problem solving first and come back to phonics, if your video is at a later time) 

In terms of the reading section of the phonics lesson, Oxford Owl are making all the phonics books available online as ebooks. Here is the link  

Once you’ve clicked on the link then click on ebooks and then you need to register but it is completely free. Once registered you can then open all the ebooks and choose the correct banded level for your child.  

This means you do not need to look at the RWI books on the school website and we will not be adding any further books there.   

Guided reading:  

If your child is not in a phonics group and instead does guided reading, please find newly uploaded texts on the Butterflies home learning page here:, please find today’s timetable and the text will be there.  


Mental maths  

10:15 – 10:30 

Problem solving and reasoning  


LO: to use doubling to solve problems 


10:30 – 11:00 


11:00 – 12:00 

Science AYOC 

LO: to understand what plants need to grow and survive.  

SC1: I can name parts of a plant and their functions. 

SC2: I can identify their needs.  

SC3: I can explain what might happen if a plant didn’t have what it needs to grow and survive.  

Today we are going to have a think about what plants need to grow and survive. Watch this video to help you to think about what plants need:  

What did Aunt Ivy do wrong? What do plants need to grow and survive?  

Here is a video to help you: 


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Draw and explain what plants need to survive. There is a grid attached below to help you or you could write/draw it straight into your workbook.  

Challenge: write a sentence underneath to explain what happens when a plant doesn’t have everything it needs to grow and survive.  

12:00- 1:15 



Cursive handwriting practise 


1:30- 2:30 

Maths – weight/mass 

LO: to understand the concept of measurement.  

SC1: I can explain what a measurement is.  

SC2: I can describe different ways of measuring.  

SC3: I can compare items based on their measurement.  

Today we are going to be looking at weight and mass. Weight is how heavy something is. A rock is much heavier than a feather! 

Have a look at this video! 

Can you find something heavier and something lighter like Bert and Ernie? 

We are going to have a look at scales. Have a look at the power point on scales here. 

You are now going to try and measure things in your house. Try and use different scales, you could use a measuring jug, a ruler or even a weighing scale! What are you measuring? The weight? The length? Using a measuring jug measures something else. It measures volume/capacity, we will be looking at this another day.  

Record them in this table: 









Measuring jug 



Measuring scales 








Now try measuring the weight of some the items. Which one is the heaviest? Which one is the lightest? 


Key workers 

When we wrote our letters we had a think about key workers and why we are so lucky to have them.  

Most of us were only able to write to one person, so this is your chance to how your appreciation for different key worker. It could be a Police Officer, Nurse, Doctor, Ambulance driver, supermarket worker or somebody you would like to thank. 

You could write a letter/card or draw a picture. Use this time to do something to show your appreciation.  


Story time 

On Tuesday’s Mrs Jones is going to read you a story …  


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Well done to everyone for their learning today!  


Please do not worry if weren’t able to complete everything on the timetable. We think you've all done a brilliant job!  


Take care and stay safe,  

Miss Cuss and Miss Theobald 

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