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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Tuesday 23rd February


 9.00-9.30 Zoom and Cosmic Yoga-  Zoom- Please bring the following coins 1p,2p,5p,10p 9.00 -9.15 

9.00-9.15 Teams Class Bumblebees with Mrs Ryan

9.15-9.30 Teams Class Ladybirds with Mrs Marsh

9.30-10.00 – Phonics and Reading (Must)- Please see your child's tapestry journal where you will find what RWI level they are to select the phonics video daily and one to two ebooks via oxford owls for your child a week (see details below) . Ditty sheet attached. Phonics : Please watch one of the following videos linked to your child’s RWI level Set 1a/b- X: 


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Set1 Special Friends- ch


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Set2- ee


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Set3- oi 


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10.00-10.30- Literacy/experience (Must)-. Please see your child’s tapestry journal to find out what Experience group they are to select the Experience video daily. Please Watch Mrs Ryan’s video to support today’s experience learning:

Parrot Group


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Penguin Group


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Tortoise Group (could) 


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10.45-11.30 Inspired Play (should)

11.30-12.00 Maths (Must) – This week we will be learning about money. Please see your child’s tapestry journal to find out what Maths group they are to select the maths video daily. RESOURCE: Please find today's activity sheet, supermarket animal price sheet and coins sheet to support today's learning. Please watch Miss Coleman’s Videos to support today’s maths learning. 

Triangle Group 


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Square group (could)


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Circle Group


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12.00-1.00 Lunch 1-2:45 Independent Challenge project : (should) Please see Mrs Mitchell and Miss Fermor’s video for details of this week projects


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They are also attached to the bottom of the webpage under ‘week 1 challenges’. You can choose which challenges you do. You might just want to focus on one for the week or look at a few different ones throughout the week.

2.45-300 Wellbeing with Mrs Smith (could)


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300-3.15- Story time with Mrs Marsh (could)


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