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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Tuesday 28th April

Good morning!  


Please send us your work from yesterday if you haven’t done so already. Have a good day!  





Wake up Shake up – please use this time to exercise.  

There are lots of different options, here are a few you could choose from: 

Joe Wicks - 

Cosmic yoga -  

Just dance -  

You could use this time to take a walk/bike ride as your daily exercise.  



Your child should start their phonics session by watching a video which introduces a new sound. The video can be found here:  

If the link doesn't work try clicking on this link and then click on either the YouTube link or the Facebook link on the first line.  

The videos are only streamed at certain times of the day and are set depending. The times are:  

  • Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30am  

  • Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00am  

  • Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30am  

(It may be better to do mental maths and problem solving first and come back to phonics, if your video is at a later time) 

In terms of the reading section of the phonics lesson, Oxford Owl are making all the phonics books available online as ebooks. Here is the link  

Once you’ve clicked on the link then click on ebooks and then you need to register but it is completely free. Once registered you can then open all the ebooks and choose the correct banded level for your child.  

This means you do not need to look at the RWI books on the school website and we will not be adding any further books there.   

Guided reading:  

If your child is not in a phonics group and instead does guided reading, please find newly uploaded texts on the Butterflies home learning page here:, please find today’s timetable and the text will be there.  


Mental maths 

Place value basketball! 

If you would like to work on your computer skills as well try this one 

10:15 – 10:30 

Problem solving and reasoning 

Halving chains! See PDF attached.  

10:30 – 11:00 


11:00 – 11:30 


LO: to identify the features of a letter  

SC1: I know what a letter is. 

SC2: I can define the purpose of a letter. 

SC3: I can list the features needed in a letter. 

What is a letter? What are the features?  

We have written cards before, but letters are a bit different. They allow us to write more to the person that we are sending them to. 

Have a look at this letter! What do you notice about it? How does it start? How does it end? Label the most important parts of the letter. Remember to use a ruler to label it. 

Then watch this video 

Challenge: What other important information must you include that we do not need to include in this letter? 

11:30 – 12:00 

Reflective journal  

Watch this video to see the journey of a letter: 

Postmen and postwomen are still working during the lockdown to make sure that everybody still receives their mail. People are still getting birthday cards and can stay in contact with each other.  


Watch this video to see a day in the life of the dustman/woman. 


Now watch this episode of ‘Come Outside’ to see more about what happens to the things we throw away.  


Why are the postmen/women or binmen/women so important? Why do they have to keep working during the lockdown? What do they do?  


Create a mind map about either the binmen/women or the postmen/women. We are going to use these to help us when we come round to writing our letters.  


Don’t forget to include questions you have about our learning for this week and we will try to answer your questions.  

12:00- 1:15 



Cursive handwriting practise (see attached poster to see how children are meant to be forming the letters).  

1:30- 2:30 

Maths – mastery of fractions  

LO: to recognise, find and name halves and quarters of an object, shape or quantity. 

SC1: I can find half of an object, shape or quantity. 

SC2: I can find quarters of an object, shape or quantity. 

SC3: I can explain the relationship between them.  

Is this shape cut into quarters? 

Can you shade in ¾ of this shape? 

Watch this video and do the game. 

To finish, write a sentence explaining how quarters and halves are linked.  


Aspiration time  

Use this time to work on the skill you are trying to improve.  

Have a think about how you have improved? What skills have you worked on? For example, if you were trying to get better at cooking, have you been creaming butter and sugar together? Whisking? Could explain how to do this skill to another person? Would you consider yourself an expert now? If not, why not?  


Story time 

On Tuesday’s Mrs Jones is going to read you a story …  


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Well done to everyone for their learning today!  


Please do not worry if weren’t able to complete everything on the timetable. We think you've all done a brilliant job!  


Take care and stay safe,  

Miss Cuss and Miss Theobald 

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