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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

WB 1/03/21

Hello everyone,  

Well done for your learning last week! We have noticed that lots of you are doing all three of the chilli challenges which is amazing! We just wanted to remind you the expectation is that you complete one, but if you would like to complete or challenge yourself with two or more that is fine.  


This week we will be learning: 


In maths, we are going to continuing with the experience Multiplication Masters! We are going to be looking at repeated addition and moving on to grouping and learning how to make our own arrays! We are going to plan a picnic to have with our families and then use it to help us organise the food that we need.  


This week in English we are going to be writing our very own letters both informal and formal. We are going to be learning about exclamation marks and how to use them in our letters and then we are going to plan our letter to our MP. We are going to be writing our letters to our MP’s at the end of the week! 


Watch this video to find out what the exciting projects for this week will be. They are all based on book week! 


Monday – Create your own character and write a story. 

Tuesday – Persuade Mrs Clarke she should buy your favourite book. 

Wednesday – Make your favourite book character! 

Thursday – Choose a quote from your favourite book and design a poster. 

Friday – Create a video about your favourite rights!  

We are looking forward to another fantastic week of learning and hope you are too! 

Miss Theobald and Miss Cuss  

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