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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

WB 22/02/21

We hope you had a fantastic half term and are ready for the new term!! 

Some improvements for home learning for this term: 

  • Must, should, could – must lessons need to be completed, should lessons are a good idea to complete and could lessons are up to you whether you complete.  

  • Sending 1 piece of learning each day – to take pressure of parents, you are only required to send through 1 piece of learning a day. 

  • Afternoon Federation project – Mrs Mitchell and Miss Fermor have created practical projects that can be completed in the afternoon. You could choose to do 1 of the projects for the whole week or to do 1 daily. The task wheel is a great resource to use to aid your learning, however the way you complete the project is up to you.  

  • Green, orange and red chilli challenges – these are tasks that vary in difficulty. It would be good for children to start with orange and if this is too tricky drop to green. If the child wants a challenge, they should try red chilli challenge.  

  • Task tutorials – there will be additional task tutorials to take children step-by-step through the tasks they are to complete for English and Maths.  

  • Our daily class call is now at 9am and will be held on Microsoft Teams.  

This week we will be learning…  


In maths this week we will be finishing off number to 100, we will be focusing on ordering numbers to 100 and finding one more and one less. We will then create our bingo outcome! On Thursday and Friday we will be starting our new experience, this will be all about multiplication.  


This week in English we will be starting a new experience all about letter writing. We will be looking at the features of formal and informal letter writing. Our key text for this experience will be ‘Dear Greenpeace’.  


Watch this video to find out what the exciting projects for this week will be:  

Monday – Find out about the Kings and Queens of England! 

Tuesday – The Great Spring Bird Watch! 

Wednesday – Photography challenge! Can you capture the signs of spring? 

Thursday – Make a reading den in your house or garden!  

Friday – Create a baking video!  

We are looking forward to another fantastic week of learning and hope you are too! 

Miss Theobald and Miss Cuss  

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