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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Wednesday 20th January




Daily zoom session

A chance to see your friends, run through the plan for the day and get ready to learn!

10 minutes

Sensory Circuit


15 minutes


Complete the RWI or guided reading session that you have been allocated. Please contact me if you are unsure or would like to discuss reading.

15 minutes

Mini Maths – Division

Either play the demolition division game to work on your mental arithmetic of division facts or teach someone in your family how to use manipulatives to find the answers to the following:

33 ÷ 3 =

848 ÷ 4 =

15 minutes

Little Literacy – Play karate cats!


30 – 45 minutes

Literacy – Our own Nurture book! – characters

TASK: To write one descriptive sentence about Jolly Johnson’s personality and one about her appearance.

LO: To be able to correctly structure a descriptive sentence.

SC1: I know how to use colourful semantics

SC2: I can put adjectives into a sentence


Today we are going to write sentences for our book.

I will guide you through this step by step in my video. Please see below.


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15 minutes


Please choose one of the wellbeing activities on the main Nurture page. The most recent video will be at the top – headphones of relaxation meditation

15 – 60 minutes

Forest School

I have decided that we will join in with the KS1 online forest school sessions to start with! We will have another session to look forward to tomorrow. Please watch Miss Wells video.


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10 – 30 minutes

CBBC programmes

These can be watched on the tv at the stated times or at any time on BBC iPlayer.

11.05 – Art Ninja

11.35 – Operation Ouch

10 minutes +

Mini indoor challenge – Create another cosy area

Can you make it better than yesterdays?!

10 minutes +

Mini outdoor challenge – Weather walk

Look at the weather outside. Ask your adult if they are to take you for a walk. If you can, go for a walk and really take notice of the weather. When you get back create a piece of art about today’s weather. (You can also take inspiration by looking out all of your windows at the weather if you have to stay indoors today!)

15 minutes

Collective Worship


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