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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Wednesday 3rd

Good morning everyone! 

We loved seeing the learning you did last week and can’t wait to see what brilliant learning you do today! 







The phonics session is made up of two parts.  

The first is the speed sound session. Please select the video appropriate to your child’s level (this was emailed to you): 


Set 1: (ch)  

Set 2: (ir)   

Set 3: (kn)  


Log into the Oxford Owl website and find the correct coloured book for your child. Your child should read the book 3 times before moving on, so that they become increasingly confident.  

Oxford owl:   


You can also access books here where you can log in for and access books free for 30 days. 


If you are in guided reading, please read the first chapter of The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith and answer the questions in full sentences.  We look forward to reading your answers. 


Mental maths  

Count to 100! 


Break time/snack time  


Zoom call  

Use the emailed link to join the daily call.  




LO: to understand odd and even numbers (understanding). 

SC1: I know that even numbers can be split equally.  

SC2: I can list odd and even numbers.  

SC3: I can explain how I know a number is even or odd.  


Watch this video tutorial:  


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Numberblocks episode: 

Task: (at 6:05 minutes in the video) Draw Odd Todd and Even Steven, write the numbers they need.  


For the task you will need: 

  • Colouring pencils  


Challenge: Always, sometimes or never? 

  •  If I add 2 odd numbers together, I get an odd answer. 

  • If I add an even and an odd number together I will get an even answer. 

Reflection: how have you shown resilience during this lesson? Did you find anything tricky? What do you think went well? 

Key words: odd, even, equal.  



We are going to practise our cursive handwriting! 

Today we are going to practise are curly letters again. Please look at the PDF attached, and practise:  

a, c, d, g, o, q 






Watch a wellbeing video about expressing yourself with Miss Theobald:


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Watch Lukes video about expressing himself:   


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Innovate the text part 2 

LO: to develop and resolve the problem 

SC1: I can create a relevant problem 

SC2: I can find a relevant solution 

SC3: I can innovate the model text to create my own story. 


Watch this video tutorial:  


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Task: Change our story map to write our own problem and resolution. 


You will need: 

  • Pencil and paper 

  • Story map 

  • Model Text pdf 


Challenge: Edit your ending! 


Key words: toys, story, problem, build up, resolution. 



LO: to create a design model 

SC1: I can select from and use a range of materials. 

SC2: I can measure necessary components. 

SC3: I can mark out, cut and shape my materials. 



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Task: We are going to make a model of our designs from yesterday! 


You will need: 

  • Recyclable materials. 

  • Glue/celetape/elastic bands etc 

  • Decorating materials. 


Challenge: If someone were to make your toy in the future, would your toy still be made using the materials you have used, or would they use something different? What would they use and why? 


Key words: toys, history, past, past tense, age, compare, contrast, safety, generation. 


Story time 

Listen to Miss Theobald read Matilda: 


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We can’t wait to see the work you produce!  

Take care,  

Miss Cuss and Miss Theobald 


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