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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Wednesday 6th January


9 - 9:15 Cosmic yoga  


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9:15 – 10.00 – Phonics/Reading

Please see your child's tapestry journal where you will find what RWI level they are to select the phonics video daily and one to two ebooks via oxford owls for your child a week (see details below) .

Phonics : Please watch one of the following videos linked to your child’s RWI level:

Set 1 A Group-Focus sound – a


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Set 1 B Group- Focus Sound Set 1- v


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Ditty/Green/Red Group- Focus sound Set 1special friends-ch


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Pink- Focus sound Set 2 special friends-ee 


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  Orange: Set 3 special friends-oi 


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Reading :

Oxford Owl have now made available all the ebooks linked to each RWI level.  To access the ebooks please visit the Oxford Owl website and register an account which is free. Once Registered select one to two correct banded level  ebooks for your child each week . 

Ditty Group: Please find today's Ditty sheet attached.

10.00 – 10.30 Maths Please watch Miss Coleman’s video and see the attached activity sheets to complete today’s task based on positional language.


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Mrs Marsh Video : Going on a Bear Hunt


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Extension: Extending and developing your plan. Please see the end of Miss Coleman’s video for support

10.30- 10:45 Break time

10:45 - 11:45 Inspired Play- if you haven't already can you create your own self portrait or can you create a family picture.

11:45 - 1:00 Lunch time

1:00 – 1.45 Experience Learning- Please Mrs Ryan's video and the launch/activity page attached


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1.45 - 2.45 1.45 - 2.45 Inspired Play :

Suggested Activity : You might like to watch and join in with  Mrs Lopez video 


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2.45-3.00 Assembly with Mrs Smith 


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3:00 - 3:15 Story time –Going on a Ball Hunt 


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