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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Welcome to Foxes 2022-2023

Hello everyone!

I'm Miss Afuape and I'm going to be your teacher for Year 3. I cannot wait for you to join Foxes in September.

We do not yet have set days for Forest School, however, please have your full Forest School kit (waterproofs and welly boots) ready to bring back on the first day. Also, make sure you have your water bottle, a snack and packed lunch (if needed) all in your school bag.

Please make sure your PE kit is ready to go for when you need it. School PE kit includes: white trainers, navy tracksuit bottoms/shorts, white school logo t-shirt and school hoody.

 It would be fantastic if you could read as much as possible over the summer. You could even sign up for the Library Summer Reading Challenge!

I look forward to seeing you all in September and hearing all about your Summer Holidays!

If you need to get in touch, please email me at

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