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Seal Church Of England Primary School

Seal Church Of England Primary School

Year 6- Woodpeckers

                                        TOGETHER WE GROW AND FLOURISH

Dear Woodpeckers, 

Welcome to Year 6.

Here, on the Woodpeckers' class page, you will find the learning experiences we are currently doing, previous learning experiences and excellent pieces of work and our outcomes. We will be celebrating your successes throughout the year. I can't wait to see the amazing work you produce and go on this journey with you all.

For all the work so far this year, please look under 'Our Learning Experiences 2023-2024' on the tab on the left. 

If you are looking for some inspiration for books to read-please see the 'recommended book list' on the tab on the left. 


Important information

Our class teaching assistant is Mrs Holden

PE is Wednesday afternoons-remember to come to school in your P.E kit

Reading Buddies is Friday afternoon with Reception class

Homework is on Teams-Woodpeckers set on Fridays to be completed by Wednesday

Reading records are checked every Friday

Big Cat Collins books are changed every Monday and Thursday 


My school email address is:


Best wishes,

Miss Stuart 

















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